12 May 2024

Welcome back to PrisonRP, if you have any questions DM rexxor on discord before purchasing.

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By Rexxor

Monthly goal


Top donators

Name Amount
7 330 USD
Bun Bun 220 USD
Brother Apollo 215 USD
bbt 165 USD
Rual Passos 165 USD

Recent donators

Name Package Amount Timestamp
Bun Bun Random Donation 15 USD 2024-07-13 11:53:54
Bun Bun Random Donation 25 USD 2024-07-09 04:20:57
Bun Bun 30 Credits 30 USD 2024-07-09 04:11:46
Mack Wacker 30 Credits 30 USD 2024-07-06 23:00:58
Mack Wacker 100 Credits 100 USD 2024-07-06 01:31:12





Refunds and Charge-backs

Digital Delta Gaming does not issue refunds for donations, except as required by law. Charge-backs are strictly prohibited. Any charge-backs initiated against DDG will be treated as a violation of our contract terms and will result in permanent termination of your account(s) within our community.

Monthly Sales

We offer monthly promotions with discounts ranging from 10% to 25%. Stay tuned for our sales events!


Digital Delta Gaming reserves the right to alter or modify the Terms of Service at any time, with or without prior notification.

Equal Treatment for Donators

Donators will receive the same level of service as regular users, with no special treatment.

Additional Information

Before donating, please ensure you are fully committed to supporting our community. Our system processes donations automatically and will confirm your purchase. Should you not receive your package within five minutes of donation, please contact an administrator. 
For any further inquiries, please reach out to Rexxor. Enjoy your experience with Digital Delta Gaming!