12 May 2024

Welcome back to PrisonRP, if you have any questions DM rexxor on discord before purchasing.

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By Rexxor

Terms of Service

By utilizing our services which include but is not limited to the purchase of Virtual Goods from the "Digital Delta Gaming" community
you hereby agree to our terms of service located on this page.

Our Services - Section A

This service, or "this panel", found at ( refers to our virtual store on this domain ( as to not be confused with anything else.
All purchases made through this panel are in exchange for non-tangible virtual items with no physical involvement.
By making a purchase, you understand that these virtual items may be available for a certain period of time.
You agree that upon the discontinuation of our services, no refunds or any form of compensation will be given, and this does not entitled you to disputing or charging back the purchase of your virtual goods.

Your Account - Section B

The security of the account through which you are purchasing virtual goods is your responsibility, and in the event of compromise of your account, we are not obligated to transfer any virtual goods onto another account

Purchases - Section C

The team of DDG may make modification to your virtual goods as our service updates over time, in this event we may either downgrade/upgrade/swap your virtual goods.
In any event, you are not entitled for a refund, dispute, or chargeback - as you are made well aware that virtual items may go through changes.

Refund(s), Dispute(s), and Chargeback(s) - Section D

By completing a purchase through our service(s) in exchange for virtual goods, you hereby agree that under no circumstances will you attempt to chargeback, dispute, or request refund on transactions completed through PayPal.
Under no circumstances will refunds be given for a virtual item, and under no event will our automated system deliver you an incorrect items. You will be asked to verify the item you are purchasing multiple times prior to completing a purchase, so make sure you review which item it is in your cart!
Under no circumstance should an item you purchase arrive differently than described.
Attempting to refund, dispute, or chargeback an item will immediately result in the restriction of your account from our service(s), rendering it inaccessible until a resolution is met through PayPal.
It is at our discretion whether or not to remove virtual items purchased based off of your actions which include refund requests, open disputes, and open chargebacks.

Our Rights - Section E

Digital Delta Gaming holds the right to suspend any accounts under which a purchase has been disputed or charged back by a buyer.
We may modify our Terms of Service at any given time, and as such, you must check our terms of service found on this page regularly.
These directly bind a relationship between yourself and "Digital Delta Gaming", absolutely no third party involvement.
If one term is not enforceable, this will not affect any other terms.